Heschel Hive
What's the buzz at Heschel?

Category Academics


Creations Come Together to Create New Creations

November 19, 2024

Creations Coming Together: A Grade 1 Journey Through Shabbat Symbols At The Toronto Heschel School, Grade 1 students immersed themselves in the magic of Shabbat through...

Grade 8 Moon Observation Party: Where Science Meets Wonder

September 12, 2024

At The Toronto Heschel School, we believe in teaching critical and creative thinking through an interdisciplinary approach. This week, our Grade 8 students took part in...

Exploring Wind Energy: Grade 7 Windmill Project חוקרים את אנרגיית הרוח: שכבת זי בפרויקט טחנות הרוח

May 9, 2024

This week, our Grade 7 students wrapped up their Windmill projects—a captivating blend of scientific inquiry and hands-on engineering, all tied to our class’s Generative Topic:...

Grade 4 Novel Study Plays

April 10, 2024

The novel study plays are an exceptional demonstration of our learning in our Generative Topic, מספרים סיפורים ללמד מסרים (We tell stories to teach values). The plays...

Early Years Literacy at Heschel: Meet Michelle McGowen

October 25, 2023

Michelle McGowen, Early Years Literacy Teacher, enlightens readers about her role in supporting literacy at Heschel.

Grade 8 Moon Observation Party

September 28, 2023

At The Toronto Heschel School we teach critical and creative thinking THROUGH the disciplines.  When we learn Science, we strive to think like scientists, using the Scientific Method.  Rather than getting our...

Introducing our New Student Support Coordinators!

September 1, 2023

We would like to introduce you all to our two new Student Support Coordinators, Morah Tzvia Eisenberg and Moreh Garry Smolyansky!

Finding the Dead Sea Scrolls

December 13, 2022

Under the Generative Topic of “Even desolate places can be teeming with life,” Grade 6 students have been learning about the Judean desert and its surrounding...

How does experiential education benefit my child?

December 1, 2022

Teaching in a way that brings whatever students are learning “very close” is the secret of The Toronto Heschel School curriculum. We bring teaching close by...