The Rube Goldberg Project is an outstanding example of learning at Heschel, encouraging students to approach the world with eyes keen for exploration and experimentation, and with hands ready to dig in.
In this experiment, students study forms of energy and their transformational qualities, with one form of energy activating another to spectacular effect. Students select and use household objects to create dynamic mechanisms, hypothesizing, experimenting, observing results, and drawing conclusions about mutual impact.
The project thus not only deepens curiosity about the physical world but also embodies the school’s hallmark integrated curriculum. A scientific experiment, Rube Goldberg is finely interwoven with learning on ecosystems and social responsibility—tangible evidence that our actions affect and change each other and our environment.
Although the Rube Goldberg Project is done in Grade 7, consonant hands-on learning takes place throughout the grades at varying levels of sophistication. All through their time at Heschel, students learn about what it means to build, make, and learn through the experiential process.