The Heschel Hornets team ran their hearts out at this year’s Cross Country meet, competing with various Jewish day schools across the city. Our athletes thrilled...
In a spectacular display of skill and determination, heartfelt congratulations are extended to the Senior Girls’ Basketball Team for their stellar victory in last night’s game...
Yashar koakh to the grade 3-8 students on a stellar performance at the cross country meet last week. Our school received three gold medals, 3 silver...
After almost 3 years, the Heschel Hornets are back! They had their first game on October 20th against Ohr HaEmet. Unfortunately, the Hornets lost, but it was...
This week we read the double parshah Nitzavim-Vayelech. In Parshat Nitzavim, Moshe offers the significant teaching that the Torah is not "in heaven," inaccessible to us,...