The Lola Stein Teacher Performance and Learning Studio is an exciting initiative where teachers are learners, too. Participating teachers will discover Judaism as a sophisticated methodology for life: a way of thinking that is well-refined and time-tested, and an evolving resource for universal values and human creativity. They will understand Jewish education as a way not only to share Jewish content, but to teach all content in a Jewish way: Jewish thinking and thinking Jewish.
This is an exciting initiative because, for the first time in North America, a certification process will accredit teachers in integrated Jewish education, which is a significant departure from traditional day school education. Pairing the Toronto Heschel Curriculum Library and the Lola Stein Certification Program for Teachers in Integrated Jewish Learning provides educators with sustained access to high-standard teaching materials and students with an equally high standard of accredited teachers. Twinning the two cements a foundation for the practice of integrated Jewish learning.
The Learning Studio will mine the school’s institutional memory, consult with other leading experts in the field, and learn from its stakeholders, elevating the craft of teaching and inspiring dedication. Techniques covered by the Learning Studio’s accreditation programs include how to teach in the academic disciplines (literacy, numeracy, science, Chumash) by using the arts (music, visual arts, drama, sculpture), kinesthetic learning (movement, dance, body awareness), integration, mindfulness, active learning (second language immersion, chaverutah, performance, experimentation), and learning outdoors and in the garden.
The Learning Studio opened in Fall 2022 to teachers at The Toronto Heschel School, and, in time, will offer certification in integrated Jewish education to all who aspire to it.