In this new regular column, members of Tarbut will be providing us with a glimpse into Student Council activities. Thanks to Ella for this first update.

This year, the Tarbut committee in grade 8 sold Chanukkah gift bags to raise money for Junior High events. Sammy, the head of Tarbut, and I, Ella, the vice head of Tarbut, prepared a unique COVID-safe fundraiser with our committee to celebrate Chanukkah and lift people’s spirits. We filled the gift bags with gelt, candles, and herb latka recipes. We made posters to hang around the school and at the booths in order to entice people to come and help us raise money. Then, after finishing our preparations on Tuesday and Wednesday, we set up a booth in front of the school with Chanukkah music playing and began selling. Overall, we earned enough money to arrange several exciting activities and days for Junior High and make this year a blast for everyone!