This blog was written by Grade 6 students LD and BS.
At 8:00 am last Tuesday, we loaded our bags on the bus and we started our four hour trip and the first of many bus sing-alongs. When we got to the camp everyone took their bags and took them to the cabins. We set up our cabins and explored them a bit.
After we got a tour of the camp, Moreh David explained water safety to us. Rain had started so we had to wait until it stopped to set out. When the water was safe we went canoeing and Moreh David taught us how to paddle properly. After we got back, we went to the dining hall to eat dinner and we had pizza and pasta. The rain got harder and we had to stay in the dining hall where there were games and we talked. After the rain stopped they gave us instructions to go to our cabins and get dressed for the bonfire. After everyone met up at the firepit we had s’mores and sang a bunch of songs. We also danced! The teachers told us to shower because we smelled like bonfire and then we went to bed!

On the second day, we packed our lunches, did Tefillah and boarded a school bus to Bon Echo provincial park. Upon arriving, we talked about our goals and different things we could do on the trip (and back at home) to help the environment and got paired off into canoe groups. We then made our way to the docks where we were given our gear and boarded our canoes. We set off across Mazinaw lake, where we located and observed the incredible cliff pictographs. We then turned back and arrived at the docks just in time for lunch. We then went on a hike with Moreh David and Morot Sefi and Andi and enjoyed the sounds of nature and all of the different animal and plant life. We then were assigned groups and filled out worksheets about nature and the Torah. We then headed back to camp and rested until dinner, where we ate chicken fingers and pasta and then headed outside to have a bonfire. We made hotdogs and corn and had an amazing time. We then went to bed in anticipation of the long bus ride the next day.

On day three, we got up, packed our bags, ate breakfast and did tefillah. We then loaded the bags onto the bus and set off. Four hours later, we arrived back, met up with our parents, took our stuff and went home to a long weekend ahead of us.

On behalf of the entirety of Grade 6 2023-2024, we would like to thank Morah Andi Spring, Morah Margot Bychutsky, Morah Sefi Chassid, Moreh David Rouimy, and Shinshinim Yahli Moser and Shaked Dinstag. Thank you for caring for us, feeding us, sacrificing food and sleep for us, for always helping us and for always watching over us. Thank you so much.