Welcome back to another school year and another amazing hot lunch and challah program!  We have some great new options that we know your family will love and we can’t wait to share them with you! Please read below for details on the program and how to register. (Note: everyone must register because the system resets over summer and all previous accounts are deactivated). 

The best news? We are looking forward to getting started right away in September.  Don’t forget to sign up and place your first set of orders by the deadline of September 8, 2023. You can purchase your round holiday challahs and honey cakes too!

If you have any questions, wish to offer feedback/suggestions, or volunteer, please contact us at hotlunches@torontoheschel.org

What is the hot lunch and challah program?

Every day of the week (Monday to Friday) different kosher dairy restaurants deliver fresh hot food to Heschel. These meals are brought to the students (and teachers!) in their classroom during lunch hour.  There are a large variety of menu options to choose from and prices range from approximately $3-10. Not only does this program save you the hassle of making lunches, it is a fundraiser for the school and a sure-way to guarantee your children will eat their lunch. Hot lunch orders are placed on a monthly basis through the online ordering system https://heschel.hotlunches.net. You can order as often or as little as you like (for example, every day of the week, once a week, once a month, or not at all – whatever you and your children want).

In addition to lunches, you can also order fresh challahs from Isaac’s Kosher City Plus. These challahs are delivered to the school and sent home with your children on Fridays. They are for you to enjoy at your family’s Shabbat dinner at home (and not for school).  On occasion, there are special bakery offerings, such as, round challahs for holidays, sufganyot for chanukah, hamantaschen for purim and cookie kits for fun. Challah orders are also placed through the online ordering system https://heschel.hotlunches.net and can be made with or without any lunch orders.

What are some new offerings this year? 

We are very excited to add new offerings to the lunch menus this year including, french waffles, more soups and salads, pesto penne, cooked or raw tuna sushi, and spicy fries. 

We are also excited to add round holiday challahs and honey cakes to our September bakery orders.

How do I register for the Hot Lunch and Challah Program?

In order to place hot lunch or challah orders, you must first create an account. (Even if you had one last year, you need to create a new one for this year).  But not to worry – It’s super easy! Just go to https://heschel.hotlunches.net, press “Click here to register” and enter the code “feedme2324”.  

After your initial login, you will be prompted to create a password. (For all future logins, you will only need to enter your email and chosen password).

Once you have created your account, click on “Register Now” and then click “Students”. Please enter all your children who will be attending Heschel this year. (Follow the instructions to add each additional child).

Now that you are enrolled, you can click on “Orders” and begin placing your desired orders! 

For teachers and staff: You will be sent login information and if you have children at the school, they will be attached to your login. If you do not receive your login info, please contact the office.

What if I had an unused credit from last year?

Not to worry! If you had unused credits from last year, after you re-register for your account this year, the balance will be updated and your credit will be there!  (Note: it may not happen immediately but rest assured it will appear).

When is the first ordering window?

We are looking forward to getting started right at the beginning of the year. The first ordering window will be open from August 28 – Sept 8, 2023. Lunch and challah orders placed during this window will be delivered to the school from September 11 – 28, 2023.

The next ordering window will be open from Sept 24 – October 4, 2023. Lunch and challah orders placed during this window will be delivered to the school October 9 – Nov 3, 2023.