The Toronto Heschel School’s Curriculum Night took place last night, live and in person but with a little twist. Instead of simply listening to teachers discuss what we do, parents participated in model lessons and experienced how and why we teach the way we do at The Toronto Heschel School.

Curriculum Night began promptly at 7:00 pm with an assembly in the gym. The assembly started with a music demonstration by Moreh Eldan, followed by several other presenters, including Moreh Greg, Moreh Alan, and our Chevra co-chairs who spoke briefly about how to become more involved in our school community. The assembly was followed by three half-hour rotations. Some of the classroom sessions were repeated twice to allow parents with more than one child to attend multiple sessions. Several of our specialists also gave interactive, model lessons.

Parents were able to put themselves in the shoes of their children and experience learning through songs, games, play and other active lessons. Thank you to all of the parents that attended. We were happy to hear parents comment that it was a very informative evening and that they thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience.

Thank you, as well, to our dedicated staff, who rose to the occasion of this new Curriculum Night format by offering experiential, engaging and enlightening sessions! Each of the teachers, in his or her own way, demonstrated the “how” and the “why” of Heschel, and left our parents with a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the school’s methodologies and practices.

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“Through the Classroom Window” is an opportunity for teachers to share the inspiring learning that takes place in their classrooms, giving others a glimpse into the heartbeat of the school.

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