As shared with parents in September, our Child Study/SEL team has expanded this year to include School Social Worker, Morah Rachel, and Social Work Student Intern, Morah Emily.

Rachel and Emily assist the Child Study/SEL team with their insights and expertise, which may include:

  • Joining Child Study meetings with teachers;
  • Helping students work through conflicts;
  • Performing observations in class and/or at recess.

Rachel and Emily also support Middat Hashavua/SEL programing, which may include:

  • Running student workshops across the year in various grades;
  • Facilitating lunch groups and recess activities.

As part of their responsibilities at the school, Rachel and Emily may be present in classrooms and at recess and may be called upon by staff to help students who are having a challenging day.

If a student presents with an issue that requires more structured support, parent(s) will be notified for their consent.

If parents wish to consult with Rachel or Emily regarding school social work services for their children, please contact the Child Study Director in your child’s division, Heidi Friedman or Claire Merbaum.

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