Heschel Hive
What's the buzz at Heschel?

Category Jewish Experience

Jewish Experience


March 1, 2019

This past Sunday was Zimriya, and the Junior High choir performed 2 songs: a mashup between Prachim Bakaneh (Flowers in the barrel) and Sunshine, and a...
Jewish Experience

A Heschel Parent’s Response to our Chanukkah Festival of the Arts

December 14, 2018

“A Heschel Parent’s Response to our Chanukkah Festival of the Arts” by Ava Kwinter. How did you feel during the concert? I always feel a roller...
Greg-Beiles-Head-of-SchoolJewish Experience

Message from Moreh Greg

September 15, 2017

This week we read the double parshah Nitzavim-Vayelech. In Parshat Nitzavim, Moshe offers the significant teaching that the Torah is not "in heaven," inaccessible to us,...