In our SK class, students have recently embarked on an intriguing exploration of self-expression and emotion through art. Inspired by the theme, “פרחים ופרפרים” (Flowers and...
During this year’s annual Chanukkah Festival of the Arts, two of our Grade 8 students took the stage to share reflections on their transformative journey at...
Through the Classroom Window: SK Students Explore Measurement
December 10, 2021
“Through the Classroom Window” is an opportunity for teachers to share the inspiring learning that takes place in their classrooms, giving others a glimpse into the...
This Thursday SK students participated in a drumming workshop led by Ora Goldin, the founder of Living Rhythm Canada, that focused on exploring and expressing feelings. Students took...
New Early Years Natural Playground at Heschel! Yesterday marked the grand opening of Heschel’s Early Years Natural Playground! This all-season space was thoughtfully designed to help...