Deya and Amy, Heschel’s student leaders, introduced the inaugural ‘Heschel’s Got Talent’ show on the final day before winter break. Explore the details of this new...
During this year’s annual Chanukkah Festival of the Arts, two of our Grade 8 students took the stage to share reflections on their transformative journey at...
In recent weeks, the Grade 3 students have been deeply engrossed in the study of ecosystems, delving into their Generative topic: “?אם אין אני לי מי...
This Monday, November 13th, our school community came together in observance of Remembrance Day. While the official Remembrance Day fell on Saturday, November 11th, we extended...
Through the Classroom Window: Grade 3 Stop Animation
June 23, 2022
“Through the Classroom Window” is an opportunity for teachers to share the inspiring learning that takes place in their classrooms, giving others a glimpse into the...
Through the Classroom Window: Making Rich Connections, from Chumash to Chalutzim
April 8, 2022
“Through the Classroom Window” is an opportunity for teachers to share the inspiring learning that takes place in their classrooms, giving others a glimpse into the...
Through the Classroom Window: Learning About Indigenous Cultures
February 9, 2022
“Through the Classroom Window” is an opportunity for teachers to share the inspiring learning that takes place in their classrooms, giving others a glimpse into the...