Dear Heschel Community,
Shalom. I hope you and your families are all healthy and are adapting to our new and challenging times. Today we will officially begin Heschel@Home learning. I want to acknowledge the incredible work of the staff here at Heschel – our teachers, our support staff, and team leaders for getting Heschel@Home learning up and running so quickly. We are also learning as we go, and we appreciate your feedback, patience, and support.
I have been incredibly touched by the many offers from Heschel parents to support our e-learning efforts, our teachers, fellow families, and the community as a whole. At times like this the strength of community that we have nurtured truly shines.
My heartfelt thanks to the healthcare and other support professionals in the Heschel community who are working tirelessly and courageously to support those most vulnerable in our city.
To kick off Heschel@Home learning, I am happy to share the following video message with you.
Shavua Tov,
Moreh Greg / מורה שלמה