The week’s parshah is parshat Shemini (eighth) which refers to the “eighth” day after the building of the Mishkan (God’s ‘dwelling’).  On this day, the entire congregation of  Israel gathered together to bring offerings and acknowledge God.  Our first week back at school after our Pesach journey from slavery to freedom is the perfect opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of community.  Our middah this week is:  “Ask others to join you when you do important things.”   This week, and in the coming days and weeks, we are commemorating many important Jewish events, and you are invited to join us for them.

Yesterday,  parents, grandparents and members of the Heschel community participated in our school Yom Hashoah Commemoration led by our grade eight class.  As part of their curriculum, our Grade 8 students visited the Evidence Room — an artefact installation at the Royal Ontario Museum created by architect Robert Jan Van Pelt as a response to Holocaust denial.  Two members of the Heschel faculty, Morah Lisa Rendely and Morah Dana Ezer, will conduct an interpretative tour of the Evidence Room for members of the Heschel community. More information is available here.

All members of the Heschel community are also invited to join us next week, Thursday April 19, for a Yom Hazikkaron service led by the Junior High choir and Shinshinim.   More information can be found in this week’s Bulletin.

Joining together with others to remember is an eternal Jewish practice.  Building collective memories — whether as families, a school, or a community is what binds us as people.  Please join us in remembering.

Shabbat Shalom,

Moreh Greg