This week, we announced that The Toronto Heschel School is moving to a system of “Continuous Enrollment,” starting with the 2022-2023 school year.
What is Continuous Enrollment?
At The Toronto Heschel School, we recognize the value in a sustained, long-term partnership with families in the education of their children. As such, we are pleased to introduce a concept in enrollment management called Continuous Enrollment. From the time of parents’ initial submission of the Continuous Enrollment Agreement, their child(ren) will be considered enrolled at Heschel through their Grade 8 graduation or until the enrollment of the student is otherwise ended by the parent or the school. Continuous Enrollment has become best practice in independent schools all over North America.
Why Continuous Enrollment?
Continuous Enrollment is a win-win for families and the school. The Toronto Heschel School engages in significant planning and hiring to ensure that we are prepared to fulfill our commitment to students every year. Without a predictable account of enrollment and re-enrollment, it is very difficult to make firm plans for staffing, programs, materials, curriculum, and facility usage. Continuous Enrollment will allow us to plan earlier and better steward the tuition dollars entrusted to us every year.
Given our high retention rate, Continuous Enrollment also rewards the vast majority of families who re-enroll each year by alleviating cumbersome paperwork, promoting efficiency and peace of mind. It’s one and done!
How does it work?
Families will sign a Continuous Enrollment Agreement this spring. In each subsequent year, they will receive an updated Tuition and Fees Schedule, as well as notification regarding an Opt-Out Deadline and date when the Tuition Deposit will be charged. While the dollar value of tuition payments may change, the Payment Plan, or frequency of payments chosen on the new Continuous Enrollment Contract, will continue seamlessly through future academic years.
We are excited about Continuous Enrollment and hope this new system will make things easier and more streamlined for our families! For further information and more detailed FAQs, please click here. If you have additional questions, you may also wish to attend our drop-in Q&A Zoom session on Monday, March 14, 2022, from 8:00 to 9:00 pm. The link for this event can be found in the Friday Bulletin, or please inquire with