Last week, we participated in our 10th and final Chanukkah Concert as Heschel students. This year especially, we acknowledged how special this concert was for us and our entire community.

We began our year by  learning about the word “Hineni.”  This concept integrated through most of our subjects. From our 10 years at Heschel, we know how hard you have to work to understand the meaning of the song you are singing. In the early years, you learn what the lyrics of your song means, and in the later years, students apply what they have learned into their song.

We both remember when we were in JK, looking up to our grade 8 buddies and thinking that they are so tall! We both looked at our Grade 8 buddies with so many questions. They were such big role models for us! Now being in grade 8, we look at our JK buddies with excitement, as they still have a whole journey ahead of them at Heschel.

The week before the concert, everyone was rushing to edit and fix their songs and dances. It was a stressful week, but we are glad to say that it all paid off.

This year, the Chanukkah concert took place in the evening, which is different considering it was always during  the day in the past. After two days of rehearsing at Beth Emeth and getting ready, we were prepared and Hineni.

As the lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, we held hands with our JK buddies, getting ready to walk into the sanctuary. It was really special to walk down the aisle with our JK buddies. This experience was memorable and fun. We hope our JK buddies will remember this concert as fondly as we do.

Taya and Eden – Ministers of Tarbut

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