This week we read Parshat Terumah.  Terumah means “contribution.”  In this parshah, the people of Israel express a ‘generous heart’ by dedicating time and valuable resources to build the Mishkan – a dwelling place for God. 

Next week, on March 1stis our annual Day of Giving for The Toronto Heschel School.  It will be our opportunity to express our ‘generous heart’ on behalf of the school.  Each day at Heschel we experience the generous heart of our dedicated staff, parents, and community volunteers. On March 1st, each of us can help by providing some of the sustenance we need to continue our good work. 

May we continue to grow strong in all forms of generosity that make our school a “Mishkan,” a place where God dwells through Jewish teachings, mitzvot, and acts of kindness. 

Shabbat Shalom, 
Moreh Greg 

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