Our names are Liyad and Rebecca. We are the newly elected Ministers of Tikshoret (Communications). 

After making the decision to run for a Student Council Minister, the process was a journey. To begin our campaign, each candidate made posters to hang in the JH halls. We took special care to ensure that our posters attracted students’ attention. Next, we had to write a persuasive speech to convince people to vote for us. During the speeches, candidates shared their ideas with the JH students. Finally, students demonstrated their democratic right and voted for who they thought was the best candidate for each of the different committees.

Thank you to everyone who supported us along the way and mazel tov to all of the elected students:

Minister of Tikkun Olam – Amy W.

Minister of Eikhut HaSeviva (Environment) – Ben R.

Minister of Tikshoret (Communication) – Liyad S.

Vice Minister of Tikshoret – Rebecca S.

Minister of Sport – Steffi C.

Vice Minister of Sport – Jonah V.

Minister of Tarbut (Spirit and Culture) – Deya S.

Vice Minister of Tarbut – Hilah S-B.

Rosh HaMemshala (Prime Minister) – Gily L.

Vice Rosh HaMemshala – Liam C.

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