1. Why, when solving addition and subtraction equations, is it important to use 10 as the base? 2. What makes the number 10 miraculous? 3. How do we use strategies to solve addition and subtraction equations to 10 and beyond? 4. What kind of מלאכה (creative work) is used to make miraculous matches of 10?
Math Learning Goals
1. Students understand that the terminology “Miraculous Match” refers to adding two numbers that equal ten: 8+2, 7+3.
2. Students understand that there is a relationship between addition and subtraction by identifying that 7+3=10, 3+7=10, 10-7=3 and 10-3=7.
3. Students understand how to apply their knowledge of “Miraculous Matches” to 10 to solve equations that exceed 10; for example, 8+3 = (8+2) +1 = 10+1= 11 7+5 = (7+3) +2 = 10+2= 12
Integration with Generative Topic
In the unit “Miracles Occur from Changes that We Notice,” students make the miraculous discovery that there are pairs of numbers that always add to 10. Students notice how this initial discovery helps them solve addition and
subtraction equations to and from 10 and beyond. Students apply Moshe’s Miraculous Method of discovery, to stop, notice and do the מלאכה (creative work) of finding the pairs that add to 10.
Strategy Goals:
Miraculous Matches Worksheet:
Miraculous Match on the Abacus:
Miraculous Matches Plus 1:
Home > Grade 1 Miraculous Matches: Pairs that Equal Ten