Grade 4: Probability Game

Grade 4: כתה ד

Probability Games


מספרים סיפורים ללמד מסרים

Tell Stories to Teach Values



Mathematics, Language Arts, Visual Arts

Essential Questions
1.  How do we determine how likely certain outcomes are to occur?
2. How do we quantify the likelihood of certain outcomes?
3. How are numbers used to “tell” stories?
4. What information can we learn from “reading” numbers?
Math Learning Goals
Students understand that probability is the measure of the likelihood that an event will occur.
Students understand how to write stories describing real life situations that portray the probability of events occurring.
Students understand the different terms that can be used for estimating probability.
Students understand how to calculate the total possible outcomes from rolling different numbers of dice.
Students understand how to determine how probable it is for different numbers to be rolled on the dice.
Integration with Generative Topic
Students understand that the root word of מספרים (numbers) is .ס.פ.ר which is the same root as for "story".
Students learn that numbers, when they represent real life quantities, can tell their own story.
For example, numbers can be used to describe the likelihood of an event occurring.
Students understand the connection to Purim and the role of probability in the “Pur” (Lot) conducted by Haman to select the date on which to execute his evil plan/decree.



How to Assess Probability:




Probability in Fractions:



