Grade 4: Building Wholes from Fractions

Grade 4: כתה ד

Building Wholes from Fractions


The Sum of the Parts Equals the Whole

Essential Questions
  • What does it mean that the sum of the parts equals the whole?
  • Does the sum of the parts always equal the whole? If not, when does it equal the whole and when does it not?
  • How does “The Sum of the Parts Equals the Whole” apply in each operation: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division?
Math Learning Goals
  • Students understand fraction to mean a part of a whole.
  • Students understand the the term “denominator” refers to the number of parts a whole is divided into; and, “numerator” to refer to the number of those parts that are being counted.
  • Students understand how to add and subtract fractions (and whole numbers with fractions) with a common denominator.
  • Students understand how to represent quantities as proper fractions, improper fractions ,and mixed numbers.
Integration with Generative Topic
Students understand that numbers, can be represented as whole and as combinations of parts; for example, 562 = 500+60+2; likewise 1/2+1/4 +1/4 has the same as a whole. When a “whole” is broken up into parts, it retains its value although it is distributed differently.
Larger numbers can be manipulated by grouping or breaking them into smaller parts when using the mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and then combining them back together.



Building Wholes Game Recording Sheet:




Defining and Naming Fractions:




Representing the Numerator & the Denominator Visually: